
Our lab is a new research group in the Department of Biological Sciences at Minnesota State University, Mankato. We use microbiology, genomics, and bioinformatics to uncover the lifestyles and ecological roles of diverse microbes living in and on humans and other animals. We are particularly interested in gut microbial clades that have been overlooked because they grow slowly, metabolize unconventional nutrients, and/or are rarely found in urban human populations. We aim to promote the following qualities among our lab members and beyond: appreciation for the microbial world, critical scientific thinking, collaboration and communication, and confidence and belonging in STEM.
Check out the Research and News tabs to learn more about our work, and the People tab to learn more about who we are.
Interested in joining the lab? If you are a prospective or current Minnesota State Mankato student interested in the lab, please click here.

- Email: cecilia.noecker [at] mnsu.edu
- Dr. Noecker’s office: Trafton Science Center S-278
- Microbial Genetics Lab: Trafton Science Center S-294